Our mission charges us to expand inclusion and inspire justice. This work does not end at the stage door.
Say their names: Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Tony McDade. The list could go on and on.
Seattle Choruses condemns:
- Violence against Black and Brown bodies
- The perpetuation of the silencing of Black and Brown voices in this country
- The regulating of HOW these voices demand and deserve to be heard
- Those that seek to distract from the righteous message of justice through property damage and looting
We are committed to playing our role in the breakdown of systemic racism that leaves communities of color unsafe and unequal in America. We commit:
- To stand with Black and Brown bodies that are continually silenced and oppressed
- To unravel the layers of white privilege within our organization and ask to be held accountable
- To amplify the voices of Black and Brown people who have LIVED with systemic racism their entire lives
- To participate in actions toward reconciliation and reform
Our choruses are hundreds of voices coming together to share stories of joy and hope and loss and pain. We will not ignore the stories of traumatized Americans who are plagued by daily oppression.